What Type of Fairy Are You Based on Myers-Briggs Personality Archetypes?

Welcome to the enchanted world of Fairy Types! Imagine a place where your personality can soar on butterfly (or moth) wings and shine as bright as a shooting star. Here, each and every one of us is associated with a different type of fairy, each embodying the traits and characteristics that make us who we are. So come, let's dive into this enchanted world and discover the magic within!

Note: All images in this article were generated with Midjourney AI.

What's Myers-Briggs?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a psychological tool that identifies an individual's personality type based on four dichotomies: extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, thinking vs. feeling, and judging vs. perceiving. Each personality type is unique, with its own strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. When it comes to fairy types, each of the 16 personality types can be associated with a different type of fairy, each embodying the traits and characteristics of the corresponding MBTI type. By tying in the concept of fairies, it can provide a fun and imaginative way to understand one's personality and how they fit into the world around them.

You will have to find out what archetype you fall under. You can do this on the 16Personalities for free. We recommend that you try to be as honest with your answers as possible. There's a lot you can learn about yourself after you've completed it - but on the flip side, being dishonest could lead you down a path that doesn't make much sense.

The 16 Types of Fairies - What's My Fairy Type?

Forest with sunlight shining through with forest sprites floating around.

Once you know what type of MBTI Personality Archetype you fall under, see our synopsis of what type of fairy you might be. Scroll down for even more details on each type.

  1. ISTJ - The Elder Fairy: Responsible and dependable, this fairy is dedicated to maintaining order and tradition.
  2. ISFJ - The Garden Fairy: Compassionate and nurturing, this quiet fairy is always there to provide comfort and support to those in need.
  3. INFJ- The Seer Fairy: Intuitive and empathetic, this fairy has a deep understanding of others and uses this knowledge to help bring about positive change.
  4. INTJ - The Athenaeum Fairy: Analytical and imaginative, this fairy is always thinking several steps ahead and uses its intellect to achieve its goals.
  5. ISTP - The Nomadic Fairy: Fearless and daring, this fairy is always seeking out new challenges and experiences.
  6. ISFP - The Muse Fairy: Sensitive and creative, this fairy is driven by its passions and uses its talents to bring beauty into the world.
  7. INFP - The Air Fairy: Optimistic and dreamy, this fairy is always searching for the greater good and works towards creating a better world.
  8. INTP - The Cosmos Fairy: Curious and logical, this fairy is always asking questions and seeking answers in an effort to understand the world.
  9. ESTP - The Fire Fairy: Impulsive and charismatic, this fairy lives for excitement and is always looking for new ways to thrill and captivate.
  10. ESFP - The Circus Fairy: Confident and outgoing, this fairy loves to be the center of attention and uses its charm and wit to entertain those around it.
  11. ENFP - The Flower Fairy: Enthusiastic and persuasive, this fairy is a natural leader and always champions the causes it believes in.
  12. ENTP - The Korrigan Fairy: Witty and resourceful, this fairy is always coming up with new ideas and is not afraid to take risks.
  13. ESTJ - The Dark Fairy: Organized and efficient, this fairy is a natural leader and takes charge of any situation.
  14. ESFJ - The Inn Fairy: Warm and friendly, this fairy is the life of the party and always makes sure everyone is having a good time.
  15. ENFJ - The Woodland Fairy: Inspiring and compassionate, this fairy is dedicated to helping others and passing on its wisdom and knowledge.
  16. ENTJ - The Ice Fairy: Assertive, rare, and confident, this fairy is a born leader and uses its charisma and determination to achieve its goals.

ISTJ - The Elder Fairies


an Elder Fairy sitting with a pompous attitude, gold inlayed adornments on her, angel wings, and a large clock tower behind her.

The Elder Fairies are some of the oldest and wisest of all fairykind. It is said that they were the first fairies to discover magic, using it to bring order and stability to the world around them. Over time, the Elder Fairies became the guardians and leaders of fairy society, using their wisdom and experience to guide others and maintain the delicate balance of the natural world. Despite their age and status, the Elder Fairies remain humble and dedicated, always seeking to help those in need and use their magic for the greater good. They are respected and revered by all who know them, and their legacy continues to inspire generations of fairies to this day.

The Elder Fairy is a wise and experienced being, revered for its sense of responsibility and dependability. It is a natural leader who is dedicated to maintaining order and tradition. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the world around it, the Elder Fairy is a trusted ally who can always be counted on to keep things running smoothly. Whether it's taking care of the young and vulnerable, or guiding others through difficult times, the Elder Fairy is always there to provide comfort and support. With its unshakeable resolve and unwavering commitment, the Elder Fairy is a true embodiment of strength and stability.

Strengths of the Elder Fairy

  1. Responsibility: The Elder Fairy takes its duties seriously and is highly dependable, always fulfilling its obligations with unwavering dedication.
  2. Order: The Elder Fairy has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the world around it, allowing it to maintain order and tradition with ease.
  3. Leadership: The Elder Fairy is a natural leader, inspiring others with its resolve and dependability, and guiding them through difficult times.

Weaknesses of the Elder Fairy

  1. Inflexibility: The Elder Fairy can be rigid in its thinking, and may struggle to adapt to new ideas or changes.
  2. Over-Reliance on Tradition: The Elder Fairy may be resistant to change and overly attached to tradition, which can prevent it from embracing new opportunities and growth.
  3. Rigid Rules: The Elder Fairy may impose strict rules and regulations on itself and others, which can sometimes lead to a lack of creativity and individuality.

The Elder Fairy Population

  • 11.6% of all fairies are Elder Fairies
  • 70% of Elder Fairies are Male
  • 30% of Elder Fairies are Female

ISFJ - The Garden Fairy

A gorgeous femme garden fairy with dragonfly wings and glittery hair, and colorful adornments, surrounded by animals, cottage, and a garden on a sunny day.

According to legend, they first appeared in the world as gentle guardians of the forests, watching over the plants and animals that lived within their domains. Over time, they began to develop a deep connection with the earth, using their magic to help the plants grow and flourish. As they evolved, the Garden Fairies became more and more reclusive, preferring to spend their days tending to their gardens in solitude. They are said to be deeply connected to the cycles of nature, and their magic is said to be strongest when the sun is shining and the flowers are in bloom. To this day, the Garden Fairies are revered for their peaceful nature and their love of the natural world, and their gardens are considered to be some of the most beautiful and serene places in the world.

The Garden Fairy is a gentle and nurturing spirit, dedicated to bringing life and beauty to the world. With its gentle touch and kind heart, this fairy tends to the delicate plants and flowers, ensuring that they flourish and bloom. The Garden Fairy is a true caregiver, always there to provide comfort and support to those in need. Whether it's lending an ear to a friend in need or nursing a wounded creature back to health, the Garden Fairy is driven by a deep compassion and desire to help others. With its love of nature and its gentle spirit, the Garden Fairy brings a sense of peace and tranquility wherever it goes, spreading joy and happiness wherever it flits.

Strengths of the Garden Fairy

  1. Compassion: The Garden Fairy is driven by a deep desire to help others and is known for its gentle and nurturing nature.
  2. Connection to Nature: The Garden Fairy has a deep connection to the natural world and is able to use its magic to bring life and beauty to the world around it.
  3. Healing: The Garden Fairy is a skilled healer, able to use its magic to soothe the wounded and bring comfort to those in pain.

Weaknesses of the Garden Fairy

  1. Shyness: The Garden Fairy may be introverted and shy, preferring to spend time alone rather than socializing with others.
  2. Timidity: The Garden Fairy may be too timid to stand up for itself or others, and may struggle to assert its needs and wants.
  3. Sensitivity: The Garden Fairy is highly sensitive and may be easily affected by the emotions of others, which can sometimes lead to feelings of overwhelm.

The Garden Fairy Population

  • 13.8% of all fairies are Garden Fairies
  • 29% of Garden Fairies are Male
  • 71% of Garden Fairies are Female

INFJ - The Seer Fairy

A blind pacific asian seer fairy with green skin sitting and meditating on a lily pad.

The Seer Fairies are a rare and mystical breed of fairy, said to have originated from highly meditative fairies who reached a state of timelessness. Over time, they developed the ability to see beyond the veil of the present and into the future, becoming revered as wise and powerful seers. Other fairies often seek their counsel, seeking guidance in matters of the heart and the world. The Seer Fairies live in seclusion, meditating and contemplating the mysteries of the universe, always seeking to deepen their understanding of the world around them. Despite their solitude, the Seer Fairies are always willing to help those in need, using their gifts to bring clarity and insight to those seeking their counsel. Their legacy of wisdom and foresight continues to inspire and guide others to this day.

The Seer Fairy is a mystical and powerful being, gifted with the ability to see beyond the veil of the present and into the future. This fairy possesses a deep understanding of the mysteries of the universe and is able to use its magic to uncover hidden truths and predict future events. The Seer Fairy is a wise and insightful creature, always seeking to understand the patterns and forces that shape the world around it. Whether it's helping a lost traveler find their way home or guiding a ruler to make the right decisions, the Seer Fairy uses its gifts to bring light to the world and help others. With its keen intuition and powerful magic, the Seer Fairy is a force to be reckoned with, respected and revered by all who know it.

Strengths of the Seer Fairy

  1. Clairvoyance: The Seer Fairy possesses the ability to see into the future and gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe.
  2. Wisdom: The Seer Fairy is highly knowledgeable and wise, and is respected for its insightful and understanding nature.
  3. Helpfulness: The Seer Fairy is always willing to help others, using its gifts to bring clarity and insight to those who seek its counsel.

Weaknesses of the Seer Fairy

  1. Solitude: The Seer Fairy may spend much of its time in solitude, meditating and contemplating the mysteries of the universe, which can make it difficult for it to connect with others.
  2. Vulnerability: The Seer Fairy may be easily affected by the emotions and energies of others, which can sometimes leave it feeling drained and vulnerable.
  3. Aloofness: The Seer Fairy may sometimes come across as aloof or detached, as it is focused on its own inner world and understanding of the universe.

The Seer Fairy Population

  • 1.5% of all fairies are Seer Fairies
  • 44% of Seer Fairies are Male
  • 56% of Seer Fairies are Female

INTJ - The Athenaeum Fairy

A nubian athenaeum fairy with librarian glasses reading a tome in a library lit by candles, wearing an academic's uniform.

The Athenaeum Fairies are a rare breed of fairy, said to have originated from a group of ancient fairies who were obsessed with knowledge and order. These fairies spent their days pouring over books and scrolls, always seeking to deepen their understanding of the world around them. Over time, they developed a remarkable gift for strategy and organization, using their magic to create efficient systems and structures.

Today, the Athenaeum Fairies continue to be masters of strategy and organization, always seeking to optimize and improve the systems and processes of the world around them. Whether it's devising a plan to protect a kingdom or organizing a library, the Athenaeum Fairies are always looking for ways to make the world a better place through their love of knowledge and order.

Strengths of the Athenaeum Fairy

  1. Analytical: The Athenaeum Fairy has a keen mind for detail and a deep understanding of the workings of the universe, allowing it to analyze and optimize systems and processes.
  2. Strategic: The Athenaeum Fairy is a master of strategy and organization, always looking for ways to improve the world around it and make things run more efficiently.
  3. Resourceful: The Athenaeum Fairy is highly resourceful, using its magic and intelligence to find solutions to even the most difficult problems.

Weaknesses of the Athenaeum Fairy

  1. Obsessiveness: The Athenaeum Fairy may become so focused on its work that it becomes obsessed with knowledge and order, neglecting other aspects of life.
  2. Coldness: The Athenaeum Fairy may come across as cold and aloof, as it is highly analytical and focused on its work, making it difficult for it to connect with others.
  3. Inflexibility: The Athenaeum Fairy may be very rigid in its thinking and approach, making it difficult for it to adapt to new situations and ideas.

The Athenaeum Fairy Population

  • 2.1% of all fairies are Athenaeum Fairies
  • 60% of Athenaeum Fairies are Male
  • 40% of Athenaeum Fairies are Female

ISTP - The Nomadic Fairy

A young and smiling nomadic fairy with long red hair and freckles sitting by a fire enjoying her peace and quiet as she smiles.

The origin of the Nomadic Fairies is steeped in mystery and legend. Some say that they are the descendants of ancient fairy explorers, who roamed the earth in search of new lands and adventure. Others claim that they are the children of the storm, born from the swift changes of climate. Whatever their origin may be, one thing is certain: the Nomadic Fairies have been traveling the earth for as long as anyone can remember. They have seen many things, explored countless lands, and have learned much about the world and its magic. Despite their love of adventure, the Nomadic Fairies have always been a peaceful and compassionate people, using their magic to help those in need and spread joy wherever they go. To this day, they are revered as the ultimate wanderers, their travels inspiring others to break free from their routines and explore the world around them.

The Nomadic Fairy is a free-spirited and adventurous fairy, always seeking new experiences and excitement. Unlike other fairies who prefer to stay in one place, the Nomadic Fairy is constantly on the move, traveling from place to place in search of new discoveries and adventures. They are known for their boundless energy and their fearless spirit, always eager to explore new territories and push the boundaries of their magic. Despite their love of adventure, the Nomadic Fairies are also deeply compassionate, using their magic to help those in need along their travels. They are seen as a symbol of freedom and liberation, inspiring others to break free from their routines and explore the world around them.

Strengths of the Nomadic Fairy

  1. Adaptability: The Nomadic Fairy is highly adaptable, able to quickly adjust to new surroundings and circumstances.
  2. Courage: The Nomadic Fairy has a fearless spirit, unafraid to explore new territories and take risks.
  3. Compassion: The Nomadic Fairy is deeply compassionate, using its magic to help those in need and spread joy wherever it travels.

Weaknesses of the Nomadic Fairy

  1. Impulsiveness: The Nomadic Fairy may be impulsive, making hasty decisions and acting on whims without fully considering the consequences.
  2. Restlessness: The Nomadic Fairy may struggle with staying in one place for too long, leading to restlessness and a constant desire for adventure.
  3. Inattention to detail: The Nomadic Fairy may neglect important details and responsibilities, as it is more focused on the excitement of adventure and discovery.

The Nomadic Fairy Population

  • 5.4% of all fairies are Nomadic Fairies
  • 77% of Nomadic Fairies are Male
  • 23% of Nomadic Fairies are Female

ISFP - The Muse Fairy

A muse fairy in lagoon playing a lute while singing with a toad.

The Muse Fairy is a type of fairy that is said to have originated from the realm of creativity and imagination. According to folklore, these fairies are said to be inspired by the muses of ancient Greek mythology, who were believed to be the source of inspiration for artists, poets, and musicians. The Muse Fairies are said to possess a powerful magic that allows them to awaken the creative spirit in those they encounter, inspiring them to pursue their passions and bring their unique visions to life.

The archetype of the Muse Fairy is one of inspiration, creativity, and artistic expression. They are often depicted as whimsical, free-spirited beings with a love of all things beautiful and a deep appreciation for the arts. With their natural charisma and infectious energy, they are able to inspire others to embrace their own inner creativity and bring their passions to life. Whether they are working behind the scenes, guiding artists and musicians, or simply spreading their own artistic magic wherever they go, the Muse Fairies are a force to be reckoned with in the world of creativity and art.

Strengths of the Muse Fairy

  1. Creativity: Muse Fairies have an abundance of creative energy and imagination that they can lend to artists, writers, musicians, and other creatives.
  2. Inspiration: Muse Fairies are often associated with inspiration and can help stimulate new ideas and perspectives for those who seek their assistance.
  3. Empathy: As creatures that understand the arts, Muse Fairies are able to connect with those in the creative world on a deep and emotional level.

Weaknesses of the Muse Fairy

  1. Indecision: Muse Fairies can be indecisive, frequently shifting their focus from one creative project to another, making it difficult for them to see anything through to completion.
  2. Distractibility: Muse Fairies are easily distracted by new ideas and inspirations, which can lead them to neglect their current projects.
  3. Aloofness: The Muse Fairy's imaginative and creative nature can sometimes make them appear aloof and distant, which can make it difficult for them to form strong relationships with others.

The Muse Fairy Population

  • 8.8% of all fairies are Muse Fairies
  • 43% of Muse Fairies are Male
  • 57% of Muse Fairies are Female

INFP - The Air Fairy

A bronze skinned air fairy with blue hair smiling and floating with teal colored wings and outfit.

The Air Fairies are a mysterious and ethereal breed of fairy, known for their free-spirited nature and connection to the winds and sky. According to legend, they were created from the first gusts of wind that swept across the earth, and they have remained connected to the sky ever since. Over time, the Air Fairies learned to harness the power of the wind, using it to explore the world and spread joy and freedom wherever they went.

The Air Fairy is an idealistic and optimistic archetype, with a deep love for freedom and adventure. They are naturally curious and adventurous, using their connection to the wind to explore new places and experiences. The Air Fairy is known for its infectious energy and positivity, spreading joy and light wherever it goes. Despite their tendency to be flighty and impulsive, the Air Fairy is deeply compassionate and always looking for ways to help others. They are seen as the embodiment of freedom and joy, using their magic to bring light to even the darkest of situations.

Strengths of the Air Fairy

  1. Idealism: The Air Fairy is an idealistic creature, with high aspirations and a deep sense of purpose.
  2. Compassion: The Air Fairy is deeply compassionate, always looking for ways to help others and spread happiness.
  3. Adventurer: The Air Fairy is naturally curious and adventurous, always seeking out new experiences and excitement.

Weaknesses of the Air Fairy

  1. Impulsiveness: The Air Fairy is often impulsive and may act without thinking, leading to mistakes and trouble.
  2. Flightiness: The Air Fairy is prone to being easily distracted and may struggle to stay focused on one task for too long.
  3. Insecurity: Despite its confident exterior, the Air Fairy may struggle with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, which can hold it back in life.

The Air Fairy Population

  • 4.4% of all fairies are Air Fairies
  • 46% of Air Fairies are Male
  • 54% of Air Fairies are Female

INTP - The Cosmos Fairy

An east asian cosmos fairy surrounded by purple moths, has purple feathered wings, and wearing a purple abstract corset.

The Cosmos Fairies are a rare and mystical breed of fairy, born from the mysteries of the universe itself. According to legend, they were created from the stars and galaxies that make up the cosmos, and they have a deep understanding of the workings of the universe. Over time, the Cosmos Fairies have used their powers to delve even deeper into the mysteries of the universe, becoming experts in the fields of astronomy, physics, and philosophy.

The Cosmos Fairy is a philosophical and introspective archetype, with a deep love for knowledge and understanding. They are naturally curious and contemplative, constantly seeking answers to life's biggest questions. The Cosmos Fairy is known for its wisdom and insight, offering guidance and advice to those who seek it. Despite their tendency to be introverted and reserved, the Cosmos Fairy is deeply compassionate and always looking to help others find their place in the world. They are seen as the embodiment of wisdom and understanding, using their magic to bring clarity and order to even the most complex of situations.

Strengths of the Cosmos Fairy

  1. Wisdom: The Cosmos Fairy has a wealth of knowledge and understanding, making it a source of wisdom and guidance for those around it.
  2. Insight: The Cosmos Fairy has a deep understanding of the world and is able to see things that others may miss, offering valuable insights and advice.
  3. Compassion: Despite its love of knowledge and introspection, the Cosmos Fairy is deeply compassionate and always looking to help others.

Weaknesses of the Cosmos Fairy

  1. Introversion: The Cosmos Fairy can be introverted and reserved, making it difficult for them to connect with others and form close relationships.
  2. Rigidity: The Cosmos Fairy's love of order and understanding can sometimes lead to a rigidity in its thinking, making it resistant to change.
  3. Isolation: The Cosmos Fairy's tendency towards introspection and solitude can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can be detrimental to its well-being.

The Cosmos Fairy Population

  • 3.3% of all fairies are Cosmos Fairies
  • 72% of Cosmos Fairies are Male
  • 28% of Cosmos Fairies are Female

ESTP - The Fire Fairy

A middle eastern fire fairy with red eyes and ember coming out of her wild hair, an elaborate choker and firey wings.

The Fire Fairy is a being of passion, energy, and courage. These fairies are said to have originated from the fiery heart of the sun, where they were forged from the flames and heat. With their intense energy and fearlessness, they have always been drawn to danger and excitement, seeking out new adventures and challenges.

As archetypes, Fire Fairies are daring and impulsive, always ready to leap into action and seize the day. They are driven by their passions and are not afraid to take risks in order to follow their hearts. Despite their bold nature, Fire Fairies are also warm and engaging, bringing a sense of excitement and energy wherever they go. Whether it's exploring new frontiers or igniting new ideas, the Fire Fairy is always on the move, seeking out the next big adventure.

Strengths of the Fire Fairy

  1. Courage: Fire Fairies are not afraid of taking risks and facing danger, making them highly courageous and fearless individuals.
  2. Passion: Fire Fairies are driven by their passions, which gives them a sense of purpose and energy in life.
  3. Charisma: Fire Fairies are warm, engaging, and full of life, making them highly charismatic and popular with those around them.

Weaknesses of the Fire Fairy

  1. Impulsiveness: Fire Fairies can be impulsive and prone to acting before thinking, which can lead to rash decisions and mistakes.
  2. Lack of caution: Fire Fairies can sometimes be too daring and take unnecessary risks, putting themselves in danger.
  3. Short attention span: Fire Fairies are easily bored and have a tendency to lose interest in things quickly, which can make it difficult for them to follow through on their plans.

The Fire Fairy Population

  • 4.3% of all fairies are Fire Fairies
  • 56% of Fire Fairies are Male
  • 44% of Fire Fairies are Female

ESFP - The Circus Fairy

A mysterious circus fairy with colorful floral adornments and headdress.

The Circus Fairy is a vibrant and energetic fairy who is always on the lookout for new experiences and ways to entertain others. Their origin can be traced back to a group of mischievous fairies who lived amongst the Circus performers of old, becoming entranced with the bright lights, death-defying stunts, and captivating shows. These fairies would often join in on the performances, adding their own magic to the acts and bringing joy to those who watched.

As archetypes, Circus Fairies are known for their love of the spotlight and their natural charisma. They are highly imaginative, often coming up with new and exciting ideas for performances. They are also confident and fearless, unafraid to take risks and try new things. Despite their extroverted nature, they can sometimes be seen as selfish or inconsiderate to others. Additionally, they can struggle with following through on their ideas, often becoming easily distracted by the next big thrill.

Strengths of the Circus Fairy

  1. Charisma and Confidence: Circus Fairies are naturally charming and confident, making them great performers and entertainers.
  2. Imaginative and Creative: They are highly imaginative and creative, always coming up with new ideas for performances and ways to make people smile.
  3. Fearless and Risk-Taking: Circus Fairies are unafraid to take risks, whether it's trying new stunts or putting themselves in the spotlight.

Weaknesses of the Circus Fairy

  1. Self-Centered: They can sometimes come across as selfish, with a focus on their own performances and desires.
  2. Impulsive and Distractible: They can struggle with following through on their ideas and commitments, often becoming easily distracted by the next big thrill.
  3. Inconsiderate of Others: Their love of the spotlight and their tendency to be impulsive can sometimes lead to them being inconsiderate of the feelings and needs of others.

The Circus Fairy Population

  • 8.5% of all fairies are Circus Fairies
  • 40% of Circus Fairies are Male
  • 60% of Circus Fairies are Female

ENFP - The Flower Fairy

A pacific islander flower fairy smiling flowers in her hair and hummingbird wings.

The Flower Fairies were said to have originated from the most radiant blooms in the enchanted gardens of the faeries. The first Flower Fairy was said to have been born from a single petal of the most beautiful flower, imbued with the magic of the garden and the power of nature's voice. As they spread their wings, they danced amongst the flowers and sang their melodic songs, inspiring all who encountered them with their grace and compassion. Over time, their beauty and persuasive nature made them sought-after messengers, trusted to convey messages of love, peace, and harmony amongst the different factions of the faerie realm. To this day, the Flower Fairies are beloved by all who know them, and are seen as symbols of the unbridled potential for kindness and beauty in the world.

Flower Fairies are known for their kind hearts and warm personalities, always lending a helping hand to those in need. They are great listeners, always there to offer a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. They are also natural peacemakers, using their gentle natures to diffuse conflicts and bring people together.

Strengths of the Flower Fairy

  1. Empathy and Compassion: They have a deep sense of empathy and compassion for others, always putting the needs of others before their own.
  2. Nurturing and Supportive: They are natural nurturers, providing comfort and support to those in need.
  3. Diplomatic and Peaceful: They have a knack for diffusing conflicts and bringing people together, making them great mediators and peacekeepers.

Weaknesses of the Flower Fairy

  1. Naive and Trusting: They can be a little too trusting, sometimes making them vulnerable to being taken advantage of.
  2. Timid and Shy: They can be timid and shy, struggling to assert themselves in situations where they need to be heard.
  3. Neglectful: They can sometimes become overly absorbed in their aesthetic pursuits, leading them to neglect their obligations.

The Flower Fairy Population

  • 8.1% of all fairies are Flower Fairies
  • 39% of Flower Fairies are Male
  • 61% of Flower Fairies are Female

ENTP - The Korrigan Fairy

A serious brunette Korrigan fairy wearing dwarven armor encrusted with gold.

The Korrigan Fairies are a unique type of fairy that have a rich history and origin. They are said to have originated from a mixing of fairy and dwarf blood, which has given them an incredible versatility and skill set. The dwarves were known for their immense building abilities, while the fairies were known for their innate magic and grace. The combination of these two worlds has resulted in the creation of the Korrigan Fairies, who are revered as extreme polymaths. They are capable of excelling in a vast array of skills and trades, making them one of the most diverse and adaptable fairies.

As far as their personality goes, Korrigan Fairies are a mix of creativity, intelligence, and playfulness. They are always on the lookout for new and exciting adventures and are not afraid to push the boundaries. They are natural problem-solvers and are often sought after by other fairies for their expertise. Despite their strengths, Korrigan Fairies can be impulsive and scattered, sometimes losing sight of the bigger picture. They can also be easily bored and crave constant stimulation, which can lead to them becoming easily distracted and forgetful. However, their natural wit and charisma always seems to get them out of trouble and back on track.

Strengths of the Korrigan Fairy

  1. Versatile Intelligence: Korrigan fairies are known to be highly skilled in a variety of different fields and have a diverse range of knowledge. They are often considered polymaths due to their ability to excel in multiple areas.
  2. Skilled Builders: As a result of their mixed heritage with dwarves, Korrigan fairies possess a natural talent for building and crafting. They are able to construct complex and intricate structures with ease.
  3. Resourceful: Korrigan fairies are known for their quick thinking and problem-solving abilities. They are able to come up with innovative solutions to difficult challenges, making them valuable assets in any situation.

Weaknesses of the Korrigan Fairy

  1. Restlessness: Korrigan fairies have a tendency to become restless and easily bored. They often crave new experiences and challenges, which can lead them to take unnecessary risks.
  2. Impatient: Due to their eagerness to try new things and get things done, Korrigan fairies can sometimes be impulsive and impatient. This can result in hasty decisions that do not always lead to positive outcomes.
  3. Attention-Seeking: Korrigan fairies often have a strong desire for attention and recognition. This can lead them to act out or engage in attention-seeking behaviors, which can be annoying or disruptive to others.

The Korrigan Fairy Population

  • 3.2% of all fairies are Korrigan Fairies
  • 62% of Korrigan Fairies are Male
  • 38% of Korrigan Fairies are Female

ESTJ - The Dark Fairy

A beautiful dark fairy with midnight blue hair, black wings, and lightning blue eyes.

The Dark Fairy is known for its mysterious and enigmatic origins. According to legend, these fairies were once shining stars in the sky, but over time, their light began to fade and they descended to the earth. It was then that their true powers emerged, allowing them to manipulate shadows and control the darkness. They are known for their cunning, wit, and ability to get things done, but their methods can be seen as unorthodox and even ruthless by others.

The Dark Fairy archetype is characterized by its strategic thinking and determination. They have a natural ability to see through to the heart of a problem and solve it in an efficient and effective manner. They are confident and charismatic, able to inspire and lead others, but they can also be unpredictable and prone to making impulsive decisions. Despite their strengths, they often struggle to find balance in their own lives and can be prone to losing sight of what is truly important.

Strengths of the Dark Fairy

  1. Intuitive: Dark Fairies have a strong sense of intuition, which allows them to quickly understand situations and people, making them effective in navigating complex environments.
  2. Independent: They tend to be very self-reliant and do not require the approval or help of others, which makes them well suited for leadership positions and pursuing their own goals.
  3. Strategic: With their intelligence and intuition, Dark Fairies are able to think ahead and plan ahead, which gives them an advantage when making important decisions.

Weaknesses of the Dark Fairy

  1. Isolationist: Dark Fairies can become isolated and aloof, causing them to miss out on the benefits of meaningful relationships and connections.
  2. Ruthless: They can be unyielding in pursuit of their goals, which can make them come across as callous and insensitive to others.
  3. Secretive: They have a tendency to keep their thoughts and emotions hidden, which can make them difficult to read and can damage trust with others.

The Dark Fairy Population

  • 8.7% of all fairies are Dark Fairies
  • 63% of Dark Fairies are Male
  • 37% of Dark Fairies are Female

ESFJ - The Inn Fairy

A cute inn fairy with tiny batwings, holding a beer/mead, standing in a tavern and smiling wide.

The Inn Fairy is known to reside within the walls of inns. These fairies are said to have come into existence in a time when travelers roamed the land in search of rest and refuge. It was then that the Inn Fairy took it upon themselves to provide a roof over the heads of these weary souls, using their magical powers to create comfortable and welcoming spaces within the walls of inns. Over time, they have become an integral part of the hospitality industry, providing comfort, security, and a touch of magic to travelers everywhere.

The Inn Fairy is known to be a kind and generous archetype, with a passion for hospitality. They have a keen sense of what travelers need, from a comfortable bed to a warm meal, and are always eager to provide. Their powers of creation allow them to turn even the most basic of inns into a home away from home, making travelers feel welcome and at ease. Despite their busy schedules, Inn Fairies are always eager to spend time with guests, listening to their stories and offering advice and guidance along the way. With their sparkling personalities and warm hearts, they are truly a beacon of hospitality and comfort.

Strengths of the Inn Fairy

  1. Hospitable: The Inn Fairy is known for their warm and welcoming nature. They always make sure travelers have a comfortable and safe place to stay.
  2. Organized: They are meticulous in keeping the inns they reside in clean and tidy, making it a pleasant place for everyone to stay.
  3. Protective: They guard the inns and those who stay in them with a fierce loyalty and make sure everyone is safe and sound.

Weaknesses of the Inn Fairy

  1. Rigid: The Inn Fairy is very set in their ways and may become inflexible when it comes to how they run their inns.
  2. Demanding: Their love for order and cleanliness may lead to high expectations and demands for travelers staying in their inns.
  3. Possessive: As the Inn Fairy lives within the walls of the inn, they may become overly attached and possessive of the space, making them territorial and defensive.

The Inn Fairy Population

  • 12.3% of all fairies are Inn Fairies
  • 30% of Inn Fairies are Male
  • 70% of Inn Fairies are Female

ENFJ - The Woodland Fairy

A woodland fairy with grassy green hair and antlers, with a mud covered face.

The Woodland Fairies are said to have originated from the heart of the lush and verdant forests. They are known for their love of nature and their passion for teaching and inspiring those who respect and appreciate the beauty of the woodland realms. These fairies are considered the guardians of the forests and are said to have a close bond with the creatures that inhabit the woodlands. They are known for their gentle and nurturing nature, and are often sought after by those in search of wisdom and inspiration.

As archetypes, the Woodland Fairies are embodiment of the connection between nature and knowledge. They possess a deep understanding of the natural world and are able to use this knowledge to teach and guide those who are curious and respectful. They are seen as nurturing figures, providing guidance and support to those in need. However, they can also be fiercely protective of their woodland realms, and will not hesitate to defend them against those who seek to harm the natural balance. Despite their gentle nature, the Woodland Fairies should not be underestimated, as they are capable of using their knowledge of the forest to their advantage.

Strengths of the Woodland Fairy

  1. Exceptional teaching skills: The Woodland Fairy is an exceptional teacher, inspiring and guiding curious individuals to learn about the wonders of nature and respect for the environment.
  2. In-depth knowledge of nature: These fairies have a vast knowledge of the natural world, from the animals and plants that live in it to the cycles of the seasons.
  3. Protectors of nature: Woodland Fairies are fierce protectors of their natural habitats and will go to great lengths to ensure the preservation of their home.

Weaknesses of the Woodland Fairy

  1. Reclusive: These fairies are often reclusive and shy, preferring the serenity of their woodland homes to the chaos of human society.
  2. Limited social skills: Their focus on nature and shyness can sometimes make them seem aloof or unfriendly to those outside their circle.
  3. Fragility: Due to their close connection with nature, Woodland Fairies can be fragile and susceptible to harm from environmental changes or destruction.

The Woodland Fairy Population

  • 2.5% of all fairies are Woodland Fairies
  • 32% of Woodland Fairies are Male
  • 68% of Woodland Fairies are Female

ENTJ - The Ice Fairy

An asian ice fairy with iridescent wings, a icy blue headdress and piercing eyes.

The Ice Fairy, formerly known as the commander faerie, is said to have originated from the frozen tundras of the far north. They are known for their incredible control over the elements of ice and snow, using their powers to shape and sculpt the landscapes of their territory. These fairies are often depicted as regal and powerful beings, with a natural air of authority and command that inspires respect and obedience from those around them.

As archetypes, Ice Fairies are known for their unwavering determination and steadfast resolve. They are not afraid to take charge and lead the way, always confident in their decisions and unyielding in the face of adversity. They are natural leaders, who possess a sharp mind and a keen sense of strategy, which allows them to effectively plan and execute complex missions. However, their commanding demeanor can sometimes come across as aloof or even cold, causing them to be perceived as unapproachable or distant by those who don't know them well.

Strengths of the Ice Fairy

  1. Strong-willed and determined: Ice Fairies are natural leaders who know what they want and go after it with unwavering determination.
  2. Strategic thinking: They are able to think ahead, plan, and make calculated decisions, making them excellent at devising plans and leading others to victory.
  3. Cool under pressure: Ice Fairies are naturally calm and collected, allowing them to stay composed and make rational decisions even in high-pressure situations.

Weaknesses of the Ice Fairy

  1. Coldness: The Ice Fairy's detached and unemotional nature can sometimes come across as aloof and uncaring, making it difficult for them to connect with others on a deeper level.
  2. Rigidity: Ice Fairies have a tendency to be set in their ways, and may struggle to adapt to change or new ideas.
  3. Lack of empathy: Their focus on achieving their goals can sometimes lead them to neglect the feelings and needs of others, causing them to be perceived as unsympathetic or insensitive.

The Ice Fairy Population

  • 1.8% of all fairies are Ice Fairies
  • 74% of Ice Fairies are Male
  • 26% of Ice Fairies are Female

 Shareable Chart

Fairy Myers Briggs (MBTI) Personality Archetypes Chart


  1. Ball State University - Myers Briggs Personality Types. https://www.bsu.edu/about/administrativeoffices/careercenter/tools-resources/personality-types
  2. 16 Personalities - Personality Types. https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types

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